A company purchases shipments of machine components and uses this acceptance sampling plan: Randomly select and test 24 components and accept the whole batch if there are fewer than 3 defectives. If a particular shipment of thousands of components actually has a 8% rate of defects, what is the probability that this whole shipment will be accepted?


Answer 1



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reject null hypothesis if z is greater


The residuals for data set A and data set B were calculated and plotted on
separate residual plots. If neither the residuals for data set A nor the residuals
for data set B form a pattern, what can be concluded?
• A. Data set A is not linear, and data set B is not linear.
B. Data set A is not linear, and data set B is linear.
C. Data set A is linear, and data set B is not linear.
D. Data set A is linear, and data set B is linear.


Data set A is linear, and Data set B is not linear, If neither the residuals for data set A nor the residuals for data set B form a pattern.

What is Data set?

A data set is any named collection of records. Data sets can store information for use by a system program, such as medical records or insurance records.

The information required by programs or the operating system itself, such as source code, macro libraries, or system variables or parameters, is also stored in data sets. You can print or display readable text-containing data sets on a console.

Data sets can be cataloged, allowing for name-only references to them without mentioning the location of their storage.

To learn more about Data set, visit: https://brainly.com/question/24309209


Last year, a French restaurant used 788,910 ounces of cream. This year, due to a menu
update, the restaurant used 157,782 ounces of cream. By what percentage did the
restaurant's annual cream usage decrease?,





First, you can find out what percentage of last year's cream was used this year by dividing last year's amount by the updated amount.

157,782/788910 = 0.2

Then multiply that by 100 to get the percentage.

0.2 x 100 = 20

This means only 20% of the cream was used compared to last year's and therefore there must have been an 80% decrease.

Billy purchased a certificate of deposit 7 years ago for $1,000. If the certificate of deposit is due
today in the amount of $2,000, what is the average annual compound rate of return, assuming
monthly compounding, that Billy realized on his investment?


The average periodic emulsion rate of return is 9.94.

What's composite interest?

The interest on the original star as well as any posterior interest gained on the investment are both considered when calculating emulsion interest. The quantum of interest generated on the original investment increases with longer compounding ages.

What do you understand by the Investment?

The term" investment" refers to a purchase made with the stopgap of earning plutocrat or adding one's wealth. Appreciation describes the process of an asset's value rising through time. When someone invests in a product, they do so with the intention of using it to induce plutocrat in the future rather than for immediate consumption.


Star P = $,000

Maturity quantum A = $,000

Yearly Time ages = 7 times x 12 months = 84 months

Yearly Rate of Interest r = ?

Average Periodic emulsion rate of interest = 12r

We know,


[tex]2000=1000\times(1+r)^{84}\\2 = (1+r)^{84}[/tex]

1 + r = 1.00828

r = 0.00828

thus Periodic emulsion rate = 12r = 12 x0.00828 = 0.09936 or9.94

Learn further about compound interest click then :



In context, where would the following sentence best be placed?
Any given instance of this practice may seem trivial, but the amount of waste quickly adds up.
O Before sentence 2
O Before sentence 4
Before sentence 7
Before sentence 13


Her issues were insignificant in comparison to his.She considered shoving his hand away, but at the time it didn't seem important.

What is a good sentence for trivial?I'm not sure why he gets so upset over something so unimportant.It is not acceptable to tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace.A simple issue can be resolved with ease:It is a difficult task to teach computers to comprehend human language.The trivial details you shared with me about your trip to the post office this morning are an example of something that is trivial and is not significant or important.Trivial statements are ones that add very little new content about the topic. For example: I think everyone should learn more about the Egyptian culture.

To learn more about seem trivial, refer to:



Identify the connotation of the italicized word.
His agility earned him the reputation of a good player


The connotation of the italicized word agility is a positive connotation. (Option C)

What does the word "Connotation" mean?

Connotation is an emotion or notion indicated by a word in addition to its essential meaning, or by an item or situation: "Resolute" implies obstinate, but with a more positive connotation.

Connotation is the emotion associated with a word or phrase. Connotation can evoke negative, pleasant, or neutral emotions and sentiments.

A negative connotation is a negative sensation or emotion associated with a term. A positive connotation is a favorable sensation or emotion associated with a term.

Learn more about Connotation:

Please solve the need for help


The sparkling water needed is 112.5 quarts and the grape juice is 56.25 quarts.

What is a fraction?

A fraction is simply a piece of a whole. The number is represented mathematically as a quotient where the numerator and denominator are split. In a simple fraction, the numerator as well as the denominator are both integers.

On the other hand, a fraction appears in the numerator or the denominator of a complex fraction.

In this case, the sparkling water needed will be:

= 1.5 × 75

= 112.5 quarts of sparkling water.

The grape juice needed will be:

= 0.75 × 75

= 56.25 quarts

Learn more about fractions on:



If the resultant of two equal forces is 2 times the single force, find the angle between them.


The angle subtended between the forces is 180°.

What is the resultant force?

The resultant force is said to be the force that has the same effect in magnitude and direction as two or more forces acting together. We know that force is a vector quantity.

Now we are told in the question that the resultant of two equal forces is two times the single force. Let the force shown as A and let the resultant be Aa.


Aa = 2Asin(m/2)


Aa = 2A

2Asin(m/2) = 2A

sin(m/2) = 1

m/2 = 90°

m = 180°

Learn more about resultant force:https://brainly.com/question/16380983


An emotional bank account is a good tool to use when...


An emotional bank account is a good tool to use when you need to build relationships.

What is an emotional bank account?

Every time a manager says something encouraging, shows respect, invests in someone as an individual, assists someone in a tough circumstance, makes time for them, and so on, they are depositing money into that person's emotional bank account.

The consequences of these deposits will assist to modify that connection over time.

A metaphor for the amount of trust that has been built up in a relationship is an emotional bank account. It's the sense of security you enjoy with another individual.

Learn more about emotional bank accounts:

A student proposes the following hypothesis: There is a significant association between level of education (matric, undergraduate/diploma, honours, masters, PhD) and employment (Yes/No). What test should they use to answer the hypothesis and why?


The test that should be used to answer or test the above Hypothesis is The chi-square test of independence. The reason this test ought to be used is that the Chi-Square Test of Independence examines whether or not categorical variables are connected (i.e., whether the variables are independent or related). It is a nonparametric examination.

What is a hypothesis?

It is to be noted that a hypothesis is an explanation provided for a phenomenon. The scientific method demands that a hypothesis be testable in order for it to be considered a scientific hypothesis. Scientists often establish scientific hypotheses on past data that cannot be adequately explained by existing scientific ideas.

A hypothesis allows researchers to not only find but also forecast a link between variables based on theoretical principles and/or actual data. Creating a hypothesis necessitates a thorough comprehension of the study issue as well as a thorough assessment of prior literature.

Learn more about Hypothesis:

In a study of the accuracy of fast food drive-through orders, one restaurant had 40 orders that were not accurate among 318 orders observed. Use a 0.01 significance level to test the
claim that the rate of inaccurate orders is equal to 10%. Does the accuracy rate appear to be acceptable?


A normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one is known as the standard normal distribution. yes it is acceptable

Explain about the Standard normal distribution?

One type of the normal distribution is the standard normal distribution. It happens when a typical random variable's mean and standard deviation are both one. In other terms, the term "standard normal distribution" refers to a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

The mean, median, and mode of a normal distribution are all equal and it is symmetric, unimodal, and asymptotic. Perfect symmetry surrounds the center of a normal distribution. To put it another way, the left and right halves of the center are mirrored.

The standard normal distribution is centered at zero, and the standard deviation indicates how much a specific measurement deviates from the mean.

n = 381

Number of orders that were not exact as a percentage = 40/318 =0.125

= P - P/√p(1 - p)/n

= 0.125 - 0.10/√0.10(0.90)/381

= 0.025/√0.09/381



To learn more about Standard normal distribution refer to:



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