When we consider BJT transistors in the context of a circuit design, we are usually employing the device in a common-emitter configuration, and we specify VBE and VCE rather than the VBC which appears in the EbbersMoll model, but of course we can easily calculate VBC from VBE and VCE . Using the EbersMoll parameters from Problem 2, evaluate the following: a) For VBE = 0.645 V and VCE = 1.500 V, evaluate VBC and state what is the operating mode of the device. (Forward active, Saturation, Reverse active, or Cutoff) b) Evaluate IC and IB for this bias condition. c) For VBE = 0.645 V and VCE = 0.150 V, evaluate VBC and state what is the operating mode of the device. (Forward active, Saturation, Reverse active, or Cutoff) d) Evaluate IC and IB for this bias condition.